Friday, March 30, 2012

SPOTTED: Laura Mercier at Sephora!!!

So today, I innocently strolled into Sephora with Joey after attending an event and...

*does a wolf-whistle* Laura Mercier is in town!!! The above photo was taken at the Ion outlet. I didn't see the brand at the Ngee Ann City's one. Anyway...

*starts hyperventilating* LAURA MERCIER! In Singapore!!! WOOT! I have heard about said brand since forever. Blair (juicystar07) is forever talking about it in her favourites videos and I have been lusting after the tinted moisturizers for so long (I didn't get it though because just before I entered Sephora, I spent a bomb at Belif. Heh. Got myself the Tinted Moisturizer Basic B.B.!)!

The Tinted Moisturizers are going at $68, which I think is pretty alright (vs. US$42 and AUD$59.). The Flawless Face Kits are going at $105 (vs. US$65.).

The Second Skin Cheek Colours are going at $39 each (vs. US$24.).

(from top to bottom, left to right) Rose Petal, Rose Bloom, Plum Radiance, Lotus Pink, Lush Nectarine and Spiced Cider.

And here's a lowdown on what's going to happen in Sephora!

It's going to be such a delightful year for us!!! :DDD


Wednesday, March 28, 2012

SPOTTED: Stila at Sephora!

Though I go to Orchard like it's my third home, it's not always that I drop by Sephora. And that is because I am doing my very best NOT to purchase Urban Decay's Naked 2 Palette. But Fel needed to redeem her $40 voucher so I was like 'Heh heh heh! I get to go to Sephora!'. And as I neared the black and white tiles, I spotted a familiar girl who has been missing for quite a while!

And it's none other than Stila!!!

I remembered being introduced to this brand when I was pretty young and wasn't into makeup yet. Mum loved the drawings and packaging and she was like "SEE, SEE?!? So pretty!!!". And I was like "Uh huh." and that ended the conversation. Ah... What a massive difference a few years made!

This was taken with my iPhone (Pardon the quality.) at the Ngee Ann City outlet. :DDD

In The Light, In The Garden and In The Moment palettes are available at $55. Each palette is a treasure chest of 10 smooth and pigmented eyeshadows. I have In The Light and since I got my hands on it, I haven't touched Urban Decay's Naked Palette. :\ I'm eyeing on In The Garden palette, but I really do NOT need any more eyeshadows (And here, the horrible midget in me screams "BUT IT'S STILA!!!".).

BUT what really got to me were the new Smudge Crayon Waterproof Eye Primer + Shadow + Liners (Again, please pardon the quality.)! I actually just picked them up for fun. But when the swatching began, I was like *turned abruptly to Fel* "I NEED THIS!!!".

(from left to right) Kitten, Antique, Midnight Blue, Pink Violet, Dazzling (Sephora Exclusive), Umber, Smoke and Black.

The crayons went on really smooth and made one lovely dream! I probably swatched Kitten a million times and Fel was warning me about a rotting hand (When I tried to rub it, it refused to budge!!!). They are rather pricey though, at $31 per pencil.

But after much persuasion from Fel, coupled with the facts that I have been spending and I have more than enough eyeshadow palettes for my 2 small eyelids, I came home with none. SIGH. Perhaps, some day, when has a sale, I'll be a owner of these darlings.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Had the loveliest day with Fel yesterday. It brought back JC memories and how we spent time chatting during P.E. lessons about anything and everything, whilst others sweated it out. Heh.

When we had our last day of school in TKGS, I had a MSN conversation with Clara Tan and I was like 'I wish I could keep in contact with everyone in our class.'. And I cried because I couldn't (Okay, I'm a crybaby. I cry at the most trifling things.).

Many people walk into our lives everyday. But sometimes, our paces fall out of rhythm with one another. Some run. Some stroll. And we get separated. We have Facebook now to let us know that the people who used to be in our lives are doing okay (Or for 'stalking'.) but that's it.

I would really like to keep all the people I have in my life right now.

Monday, March 26, 2012

EVENT: Laneíge's Love in Bloom Alluring Beauty Makeover

On March 12th (I know I'm so backdated with my entries! Please bear with me!), I attended the 'Laneíge's Love in Bloom Alluring Beauty Makeover' with dear Juliet!

The event was held at the atrium of Bugis Junction and was a collaboration between Laneíge and BHG Bugis for the annual Makeup and Beauty Fest. This time round, Laneíge actually invited Romeo Eun, who's the senior makeup trainer from the brand's parent company, Amorepacific.

And guess what Juliet and I were treated to?!? :DDD

MAKEOVERS!!! :DDD We had a choice between a cute puppy look and a (HMMM... Sexy?!?) kitten look and we asked Romeo to decide for us. Our face structures are completely different. Juliet has prominent cheekbones while mine are pretty much non-existent. Juliet has sharper features while mine are... FLAT?!? Hahaha! So anyway, Romeo decided to... How do I say this? Do the opposite? Downplay Juliet's cheekbones and and 'create' some for me (Hahaha!)! Soften her features and make mine sharper! :DDD

Thus, Juliet got the cute puppy look and she went first! The first thing that Romeo did was to touch up her eyebrows. He used concealer to 'alter' the shapes of her eyebrows. For her look, the key thing is to go 'round'! Eyeshadows and blusher were applied in a circular manner. And the eyeliner was drawn thicker in the center to create big and round doll-like eyes.

Romeo did one side of Juliet's face first and gosh! Look at her eyes! What a difference a few strokes made!

It was really interesting for both Juliet and I because it was the very first time that we saw eyeshadows being applied in a circular manner!

And then, it was my turn to morph into a kitty! Haha. Again, the first thing Romeo did was to trim my eyebrows (I haven't done anything professional to them since... Forever. Haha. It's just to expensive to upkeep. I just pluck away the stray ones. And besides, my fringe is always all over my face so no one actually sees them. Only parts here and there. Haha.). He suggested using a shaver to keep the area clean (But hmmm... My Browhaus therapist told me that shaving would cause ingrowns?!?). He drew my eyebrows down towards my nose so that the arches would be more distinct.

The kitty look meant that almost everything was to be applied at an angle! For the eyeliner, he drew the bottom first. By drawing the bottom, you can draw the winged liner at the 'right' angle. He also drew the inner corners of my eyes to make them seemingly larger. As my cheekbones are invisible, he advised me to apply my blusher from my hairline down, diagonally. He then applied highlighter right above the blusher, from the cheeks outwards.

Romeo also did the bitten lips look for me!!! But sigh! It was a waste because my lips were (And still are.) dry! ):

But anyway! TADAHHH!!! Here's my face, half-done!!!

And TADAHHH again! Both sides done!

Posing in front of the stage!

Romeo and us! (His skin was glistening a little under the harsh fluorescent lights. But flawless, I tell you!

The pose which Romeo suggested!!! Hahaha!!!

Romeo's a really dedicated and patient makeup artist. He was very patient and careful in doing our makeup and he tried his best to explain to us his steps via the translator. He was worried that he couldn't get his message across to us effectively and as he wanted it. I was really, really, incredibly impressed and very honoured to have a one-to-one makeup session with him. (:

Thank you Laneíge, Joyce and Brandstory for arranging this!!! :DDD Otherwise, I would never have had the chance. (:

Please mentally erase the bad skin. My skin was recovering from the drought then and it still is (Much, much better now though!). Still, SIGH!!!

A close-up of my eye!

And last but not least, here are some of my thoughts.

Blogging is no easy business. Especially when I try to strive for perfection in every post and I have school and my family and friends... I get very jaded at times. After pictorial posts (Some which have taken more than ten hours to do.), all I want to do is lie down on my bed and stare at the ceiling. But I can't because I have to work on my school homework (HAHAHA. Yes, I actually place blogging in front of schoolwork. Though that has to change soon. REAL soon. Exams are in April!).

(I'm not complaining or whining because after all, I choose to do pictorial posts. Just saying what it feels like. Anyway, that isn't the main point! The next paragraph is!!!)

But I will always be very glad that I started this blog and I will always be thankful for the things that have happened because of it. Through blogging, I have made some really amazing friends. (: There are some friendships which go beyond blogging and I'm not exactly very Christian-y but I do believe that these friends are God-given. Juliet's definitely one of them. (:

Sunday, March 25, 2012

OUTING: A Day at Cinelesiure!

Two weeks ago, Fel and I teamed up to take part in Cineleisure's Next Online Sensation!

Initially, we thought we weren't shortlisted but... We were!!! :D For our first challenge, we are to blog about how we spend our day at Cathay Cineleisure Orchard before attending 'The Hunger Games' Gala Premiere (The promotional movie posters were out last year and I have been waiting ever since!) on Wednesday's evening!

As we both had classes on Wednesday, we decided to chase away the Monday blues with a day at Cineleisure. (:

Here's me! I was dressed in Love, Bonito's Mustard Kory Knit Top and New Look's jeggings.

Meet Fel! Fel and I have been in the same schools all our lives (Not counting kindergartens.) but we only met in junior college.

We were exempted from P.E. lessons so whilst others were running 2.4km under the scorching sun, we bonded over Taiwanese and Japanese dramas, songs and of course, eye candies! Heh.

And here's how we spent our day at Cineleisure!

Located at 8 Grange Road, the mall is a popular hangout among youths with its wide range of shops. It has everything that you need! Shopping? Definitely! Checked! Pasta? Checked! Japanese cuisine? Checked! Chinese food? Checked! Cheap food? Checked! Tibits? Checked! Theatre? Double checked!

I usually go to Cineleisure for movies and I love the shops on the third floor (Read on!)!

The first thing we did after we met up was to look for food! We were both famished and our tummies needed food desperately but we were so spoilt for choices that we couldn't make up our minds.

After a ping-pong discussion, we finally settled on Pastamania. It has been a while since I ate at Pastamania because I was eating so much of it in Year 2 (Can you imagine pasta for supper almost every night? I don't know how I managed that but I was so hungry. All the time. Blame the school?).

I ordered my usual Prawns Aglio Olio (I picked anything that's Aglio Olio.). Heh. And I learnt from Fel that Pastamania actually has student's discount of 30%. Haha! So much for eating there often...

But anyway, umm... I still felt hungry after that. And it didn't help (My figure.) that Shokudo - Japanese Coffee House was directly opposite Pastamania! I love their Kinoko Wafu Aglio Olio!

Shokudo - Japanese Coffee House is right beside the escalator and with its trays of ice-creams outside, it is pretty hard to miss!

The place is really cheery with bright yellow stripes adorning its wall. On its other side, you have the huge windows of Cineleisure overlooking the roads of Orchard! It makes meals really relaxing and 'chillax'. (:

And... TADAHHH!!! My plate of Kinoko Wafu Aglio Olio!

This is my third serving in a month since Juliet introduced it to me. Hahaha!

(For those who don't follow my tweets, when I find something that I like to eat, I will keep having that until I'm sick of it and then, I move on. Lol. And I LOVE Aglio Olio!!! *has a fangirl moment... for pasta?*)

I love how juicy the mushrooms are and the spaghetti isn't too soft or hard... Al dente (To my amateur taste buds, anyway. Heh.)! Have a try if you are there. (: I have already converted the boy into a fan. *beams*

We filmed a little here and it was a little embarrassing. Actually, the whole filming process was! Haha. But we were never going to see whoever who saw us again so... *shrugs*. Haha.

Filming was something different for Fel and I, as bloggers. I did a few videos but those were done in the comfort of my home. Heh. It was really fun, especially when you do it with a bud! :D

And now, let the shopping begin!!!

The first shop that caught our eyes was Brat Pack. Located on the 2nd floor, the store is a burst of bright colours!!!

They have shoes and clothes but what drew me like honey draws bees were the wall of hats and the very colourful pouches and bags! I don't really like wearing hats because my hair's really flat. BUT I still like trying them on! Heh. My favourite is the newsboy cap (Could have been due to my want of being a newspaper girl and having a newspaper route when I was a child! It looked so fun in Little Archie comics! Actually, it still looks fun! Haha.).

The pouches had those henna designs on them. When I was in junior college, I liked those designs a lot. I printed them out from the Net and spent hours trying to draw them (I tried to draw tattoos too.). But umm... I failed Art so... Moving on!

Minikin is your typical girly store, complete with pearl headbands, whimsical rings and necklaces and pretty ribbons! Displayed prettily in cubbyholes, a girl can spend hours there without noticing the time.

And it was here that heard some ka-ching from us! Heh. Fel got a headband with a pink ribbon that's dotted with white and a ring with wings on it. And I got a pearl headband à la Blair Waldorf and a fairy ring. :D

Psst! Check out Fel's entry here for the loot!

This is the third floor (My favourite!) and quite possibly, the first shop that you would spot is Becky Berry!

This shop has everything looking vintage; From phones to mirrors to dresses! It was a lovely place to spend time in and discover 'treasures'. For those who love those huge, vintage spectacles, say hello to your haven! :DDD

Rockstar could be the most well-known shop of all! The walls are in stripes of different shades of pink and I have long declared that my future house is going to have them too (Much to the horror of the boy.).

I think the sister first brought me to this store and I have made multiple trips back. It has purses and pouches with letters printed on them, English school teacher's bags, plants in pretty containers, rows and rows of Penguin books, earrings and of course, clothes (What would a shop be without clothes?!? *laments dramatically*)!

We then made our way to Sticky! Sticky has been around for quite some time and though I have eaten the sweets, I had not seen how the sweets were made. I love food stores where you can watch the chefs prepare the food! It's like an art, to be appreciated. (: And oh yes, I love how colourful the store is!

The man making the sweets handed us some and ka-ching! We each bought a packet. :D Come to think of it, I think I'm gonna have one right after this entry. Heh.

Some other stores in Cineleisure!

And we mustn't leave out The Editor's Market! Your one-stop place for unique and Lookbook-worthy clothes!

Neoprints and Anime eyes! Haha.

We ended our Monday with dinner at A.venue Bistro! The place is decked out in old English decor and it seemed a little like we were in a train carriage. Like in Harry Potter! Haha.

We both had salmon and just because my stomach's really the size of two, I had tiramisu too! The salmon was really tasty and the skin was cooked to a crisp, just the way I like it. (:

On Wednesday, Fel and I attended the Gala Premiere for 'The Hunger Games'! I swear Wednesday took f-o-r-e-v-e-r to come!

And here's my outfit! A walking advertisement for F21 again (And forever one.). :D

A breakdown of my outfit. (:

And here's us in front of the huge poster at The Cathay! :DDD

'The Hunger Games' is based on the novel of the same name by Suzanne Collins. It stars Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique in 'X-Men: First Class'.), Josh Hutcherson (The best friend with 'bad blood' in 'Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant'.) and Liam Hemsworth (Or more popularly known as Miley Cyrus' boyfriend. Haha.).

Set in the post-apocalyptic world, Panem (Or North America, as we currently know it as.) is divided into 13 districts. Each year, a boy and a girl from each of the 12 districts will be chosen to battle it out... Something like 'Battle Royale' in reality television style. It serves as a reminder to these districts of the Capitol's authority and is a punishment for their rebellion.

Quite frankly, I don't like the idea of the story (I'm currently reading 'Battle Royale' and I don't like it either. But it's one of those must-read books so I'm reading it. I don't think I can stomach 'Lord of the Flies' though.). But it's jam-packed with action and I love anything that has romance. Heh.

The movie follows the book pretty closely, though I thought that some important details were left out (Like the meaning behind the mockingjay bird.). But it was a really exciting 2 hours, that kept me on the edge at some points and had the audience and me laughing at others. :DDD

A snapshot of Fel and I before the movie!

Before I leave...

... Here's the little video that Fel and I made on Monday! :DDD

Have a pleasant week ahead and thanks for reading! (:
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