Saturday, July 31, 2010

SPOTTED: Revlon's PhotoReady Makeup

Just a quick post before I crash.
Many of us are aware that Revlon's PhotoReady Makeup ($29.90) is now available at Watsons. I'm not big on foundations but I decided to check them out anyway (Just because it's makeup and it's NEW!!!)! Heh.
The foundation contains photochromatic pigments which reflect light so that every flaw is hidden from the naked eye. Hence, you get a baby-smooth complexion, sans pores! It is oil free, fragrance free and SPF 20.
The shades that are available in Singapore are Nude, Medium Beige, Cool Beige, Golden Beige and Caramel.

But ummm...

... It's far too shimmery for me!!! The above is in Nude, but I doubt you can see the colour of it at all. I'm so sorry but I only had my mobile with me! ): Nude's a little lighter than my colour but Medium Beige was too dark for my liking. It also seemed a little too pinkish.

I'll probably check them out again, during tomorrow's lunch break, with my friend. But I doubt that I'll be getting it!

EDIT// There are many raves about this foundation and I don't quite get the hype because it's so glittery to me. So I decided to google it. Here are some links which I came across and thought I share them on my blog:

MakeupAlley rates it 3.4/ 5.

Dirt on the Rocks tries it out on oily skin!
Product Girl doesn't really experience the glitters; She buffs it onto the skin with a Sephora #55.

The Muse hates it; She thinks that it's very drying. :\
Pink Smith has more dislikes than likes on her list! It sits into lines and pores and emphasizes dry areas.
Makeup Geek has swatches of some shades! (:

Friday, July 30, 2010

HAUL: theBalm's Blushers in Down Boy, Hot Mama and Cabana Boy

Hi (: I'm so excited to do this entry because it has to do with my current makeup obession... BLUSHERSSS *emphasized on the 's'*!!!

On Sephora's website, the blushers are described as...
Down Boy (0.75 oz), $30.90: Soft pink flush
Hot Mama (0.25 oz), $29.90: Peachy pink shimmer
Cabana Boy (0.3 oz), $30.90: Pink dusty rose
These blushers are multi-tasking (YAY!!!); They can double up as eyeshadows and Hot Mama can be used as a highlighter too. (: One thing strange, however, is that the blushers are of different sizes. I mean, it's fine but don't they usually standardize such stuff? Hmmm...

Anyway, do check your stuff when you get things from Sasa (Yep, you can find theBalm at Sasa! (: ). Look at my Cabana Boy! This was taken before I swatched it and ack!!! There seems to be a nick and a finger mark! ): (Okay, you need to check all your things at whatever stores you buy them from! Not just Sasa! Everywhere!)
Down Boy, Hot Mama and Cabana Boy
Only Hot Mama has shimmers in it. Down Boy and Cabana Boy are matte. The blushers are dead pigmented, with the powder being very fine. They blend real easily too. (:

Many people have made comparisons between Hot Mama and NARS Orgasm, so I decided to compare the both of them too! And since I have Deep Throat as well, and many people reckon that Deep Throat and Orgasm are similar and so this makes Hot Mama and Deep Throat similar too so so so... HAHA! You get the picture! I decided to compare the 3 of them!

 NARS Deep Throat, Hot Mama and NARS Orgasm
Hot Mama seems to be much closer to Deep Throat than Orgasm to me...
Anyway, when I blended them out...

... This was what I got! Hot Mama STILL looks closer to Deep Throat! Haha! Orgasm seems to be the most pink out of the lot, whereas the other 2 are more peachy. (:

One thing that I'm impressed about theBalm is that it is formulated without parabens. Parabens are present in many makeup as preservatives. However, recent study has found that breast cancer tumours have high concentrations of it. :\ However, this does not mean that there is a causal link between these 2 (from Wikipedia). But still, it's good to know that my makeup doesn't have the slightest bit of chance of giving me cancer! :\

For more information about parabens, here are some links which you can refer to:

Live Naturally
The Good Human

Hope you enjoyed the entry and have a fab weekend! (:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

GIVEAWAY: La lapine donne.

Other than the fact that she has an awesome name like me, Charlene blogs wonderful entries! (: And right now, she's conducting her first giveaway so do check her blog out!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

UPDATES: Curly wurly?!?

Elise recently asked her readers if she looked older with curls and that got me thinking. I have always wanted to have those soft, beautiful curls so that I will be the demure lady that all TKGians are supposed to be (Where mannerism is concerned, I have a long, and I mean LONG, way to go. :\). Anyway, my hair has got rather long and I thought of perming it. But sis had hers permed and her hair became so very dry that I hesitated. My original hair's of the rough texture (Thank you, Dad. Haha!) and so, I have got it rebonded quite a few times. :\ I'm afraid that if I were to perm it, BOOM!!! My hair's gonna be one huge untamed mess!!! But anyway, yes, back to Elise and the fact that she got me thinking...

I went to Aunt Dora for a haircut on Saturday with my cousin. I got my fringe trimmed and I was like "Ummm... Aunt Dora, could you curl my hair temporarily?". And... *drum rolls* TADAHHH!

I think I look like a tai tai (Tai tai = Rich matron.), which isn't a bad thing actually. Haha. I would LOVE to be rich, except that I like to look as young as I possibly can. Haha. I'm not gonna have my hair permed anyhow but I'm wondering if I should invest in a good curler. Or wait for Elise's 'classic wet-tight-bun-plus-hot-air-blast-from-hairdryer' method. Haha.

Anyway, I have work this week and am currently nursing a bout of flu (GAWD. Sick for the 2nd time this month!!! ): Dad was sick. Then it got to me. Now, my brother's sneezing away like his life depends on it. BLAH!!! ). I'm trying to get a review up but I'm kind of lacking in the 'inspiration' department now, so it will probably be up next week. And I'm thinking of making a video for July's Favourites. Heh. Yay or nay?

Till then, do take care!!! (:

Friday, July 23, 2010

HAUL: Samples!!!

Okay, this isn't exactly a haul. During my previous job, I met a very nice lady who gave me all the above samples! (:

I'm very interested in Avène's Light Hydrating Cream because it has SPF 20. Currently, I'm using Kao Bioré's Bioré UV Perfect Face Milk but I have since found out that it contains alcohol!!! ): I'm really kinda upset with that because it's actually a very good sunscreen. You don't get a white face, you barely feel it on your face and it keeps your face matte to boot! Boo. ):

Anyway, the bed beckons! (:

Bonne nuit!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

EVENT: Physiogel's Bloggers Party

Hey everyone (: I was invited by Ju Ann to the Physiogel's Bloggers Party, which took place yesterday. It was the first time that I was invited to a bloggers' event so I was really excited! I thought I was a little too underdressed though... Plus my makeup was really minimal! :\

The event started at 7.30pm. Early birds received a Physiogel Shampoo and yep! I got that. Hehe! (: I also met many bloggers, like Xinyi, Amelia, Roseanne, Joyce, Kimberly, Michelle, Ru, June (June's the one who held the L'Oreal contest!), Clara, amongst many others. It was really cool because I have been reading some of their blogs for a while now and to see them in person... It was kinda like meeting celebrities! Okay, I'm being weird here but it was really fabulous meeting them! (:

The presentation kicked off with the Dr. Mark Tang, from National Skin Centre, telling us about our skin; The (gazillion!) different layers (I always thought we had 3 layers and then period. But guess what?!? The top layer has got 5 layers within it!). He then moved on to dry skin; The causes (Think: Alcohols, soaps, sanitizers, AIR-CONDITIONING and many others!!!) and the symptons. Following that, he told us what we ought to look for in a moisturizer *points above*.

"Hydrating your skin is more than adding water."

This was something he emphasized a lot. The moisturizer can't just be adding moisture to your skin and then, stop there. It needs to have the ability to be retained by the skin.

The next speaker, Eugene Yoo, was from Physiogel. He highlighted the differences between conventional moisturizers and that of Physiogel. Physiogel contains Derma Membrane Structure (DMS) technology. This enables the moisturizer to not only hydrate our skin BUT repair it as well! (:

Physiogel has a wide range, from cleansers (It need not be rinsed off!), shower creams to shampoos and of course, not forgetting their creams (For the face.) and lotions (For the body.). I tried both the cream and lotion at the event. I felt that the cream was a tad too oily but the lotion was just right! Oh! The speaker also mentioned that it doesn't matter if you have to wash your, say hands, after applying the cream/ lotion. That's because the cream/ lotion stays in your skin! You should be able to still feel the thin film of moisture left by the cream/ lotion after washing. (:

Right now, head on over to Physiogel's website because they have got a free travel pack just for you! (: It contains sachets of the cream and lotion and a 10ml bottle of their cleanser. (:

Those pictures up there took me almost the entire day to do them up! I'm really sorry if they are kind of messy and all over the place. I used to do web-designing (I did banners and layouts and was heavily involved in the web-designing community.) but that was ages ago! I'm really sad that I'm so out-of-touched now. But oh well. Life keeps going on and we keep finding new interests. (:

Anyway, I just want to say a big thanks to Ju Ann for inviting me again and hello to all the bloggers that I met! (: Thank you, Physiogel as well, for holding the event! (: It was a really good experience and it just made my summer a notch sweeter! (: (Okay, far too many exclamation marks and smileys!)

Monday, July 19, 2010

SWATCHES: Canmake's Cream Cheek

Where to find them: Nishino Pharmacy, Watsons

Price: $17.90

What they are: Cream blushes!

The Good: Goes on light and smooth when applied. Not the least bit drying! (: (Love 05 Sweet Apricot the best!!!)

The Bad: Way too shimmery! ): (As seen in the first picture.)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

REVIEW: Urban Decay's De-Slick Mattifying Powder

Where to find it: Sephora

Price: $52

What it is: Oil blotting powder

The Good: Keeps face incredibly matte! Contains tea tree oil to help eradicate zits! YAY!!!

The Bad: The price. )':

Comments: I mentioned about this product before and I also told you how lazy I was to actually use it. But lately, Singapore has been one hell of a furnace and I find my T-zone getting more oily than usual. Hence, for the entire month of June and 17 days of July, I have been bringing this compact along with me wherever I go.

One plus point of this product is that it comes with a mirror. My sis recently got the ZA Groovy Smoovy Oil Blotting Powder which hasn't got a mirror and it's really quite inconvenient.

A puff is included but it's rather flimsy. I prefer puffs with a handle at the back, so that I can slip my slender (HAHAHAHA!) fingers through it and need not touch the puff itself. But I have to say... It's a pretty puff! (:

The powder smells lovely! But that's because I love the smell of tea tree oil. I know some people who hate it, like Mum (She thinks that it smells like insecticide! :\). The powder's very fine and it doesn't leave me with a face that's ashen or anything like that. I have used this on my sister, who's much darker than me, and it works perfect for her too! (:

This can go on before or after makeup and all that I really need is a little dab here and there and *drum rolls*... TADAHHH!!! Oil-free face and a very thrilled Charlene!!! (: (: (: I used to grab a piece of tissue paper to wipe off the oil on my face (No, I don't use oil-blotting paper.) but this powder keeps my face matte for a really long time. It beats reaching out for tissue papers every couple of hours or so!

However, as much as I'm loving this, the price is a big turn-off, especially when the ZA one costs a fraction of it. That's the only gripe I have about this product. Other than that, I say, if you have some cash to spare, invest in this! (:

EDIT// Hey! I forgot to mention that De-Slick comes in the gel and spray versions too! For the gel one, please take note to DAB and not rub it in. Or you will get those eraser-dust like things. :\ They can be used under and over makeup too! (: *cheers for Urban Decay*

EDIT EDIT// I found the box that the powder came in. So here's a look at what goes into the powder to
make it oh-so-fabulous!


EVENT: Maybelline New York's Power in You Selection Party

Hey everyone! (: If you had read my previous posts, I actually made it to Top 50 for the Maybelline New York's Power in You Selection Party. It was held today. Initially, it was supposed to be at Supper Club, but the location was switched to SMU's School of Information Systems at the very last minute. My journey ended today (LMAO!!! I sound as if I'm on American Idol!) but I did take home some really helpful makeup tips.

The makeup workshop was conducted by international Make up Artist, Nigel Stanislaus. It kicked off with him teaching us 3 basic looks; An everyday look, smokey eyes and the classic runway look. I didn't take any photos as the makeup was really simple. The looks can be easily replicated by some of the tutorials on Youtube. I reckon the photos will be up on Maybelline's website, so I'll let you when they have been uploaded. But anyway, here's a brief summary of them.

Everyday Look:
He used a light green eyeshadow on the model's eyes and lipstick as a blusher (Just dab it on!).
He suggested using a rose gold, light pink or white eyeshadow as a highlighter; Above the cheeks and on the cupid's bow.
Smokey Eyes:
He lamented about how everyone thought smokey eyes = black.
He did winged-eyes for the model, using Maybelline's Gel Eyeliner; Taught us to line it from outside in.
Classic Runway Look:

Courtesy of Melissa Cholelia Lim.

This was the prettiest look, out of the 3, and possibly the simplest!
He emphasized the eyebrows by making the front squarish and extending the tails.
He applied a concealer to the lips, before applying a bright red lipstick.
Most of the tips, as seen above, are stuff that you probably already know. It was really a very basic makeup workshop. 2 important tips which I really appreciated are the choosing of foundation colour and how to tell if you were warm-toned or cool-toned.

Choosing of Foundation Colour

This was actually something that I learnt from an ex-colleague. Foundations come in two undertones, yellow and pink, for every shade (Well, depending on the brand.). It is very easy to tell the two apart by placing them side-by-side. The pink one will appear lighter. Yellow undertones is for people with yellow undertones and pink is, well, for people with pink undertones. But how are you supposed to tell if you were yellow or pink?!? This was what my colleague told me... If you have rosy cheeks or tend to blush easily, you have pink undertones. If you tan easily, you have yellow undertones. Of course, this is merely a guide. Ultimately, it is how YOU like the look of the foundation on your skin.
Nigel did mention that Asians tend to look chalky when they use foundation with pink undertones and more radiant with yellow.

Warm-toned or cool-toned?!?

This was something new to me, something which I was really interested in learning. However, I doubt that knowing which tone I am is gonna affect the way I pick my colours much. Haha. I like to think that because I am fair, I can take ALL colours. Lol! I found a really informative website about this so you can click here to read it! (:
(By the way, I'm neutral-toned since my veins are blue-green. Hehe! (: )

Anyway, each of us received a goodie bag from Maybelline. YAY goodies! (:


Guess which is the real Magnum? One's a pen! Cute much?!?

I hope this entry was helpful to you and I'm sorry again for another wordy entry! Pinky promise that there will be more pictures next time! (:

EDIT// I forgot to mention that I had a chat about makeup schools with one of the makeup artists. She told me that Make Up Forever's makeup style leans towards the western one, whereas Cosmoprof is towards the Asian side. Yes, I'm thinking of enrolling in one of these makeup schools next summer. (: Gonna cost a really pretty penny though. ):

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

HAUL: (And some updates)

This is my first haul with Smoochiezz's Sprees, owned by Hazel. I usually go to her because she offers a wide array of sprees and she is extremely efficient. Her customer service is tip top, something which I really appreciate! (: Anyway, I got myself...

Neutrogena Body Clear Body Scrub
Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Stress Control 3-in-1 Hydrating Acne Treatment
Neutrogena Rapid Clear Treatment Pads
Neutrogena Triple Moisture Deep Recovery Hair Mask

Out of the entire list, I have only used Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Stress Control 3-in-1 Hydrating Acne Treatment before. Like 6 years ago, back when I was plagued with a serious case of acne. I raved about it here. I'm not really a Neutrogena fan but this, this really did work for me. I actually got these (The Acne Treatment and the Treatment Pads.) for my brother. But he's currently seeing the dermatologist now. So... I get to keep them for myself! Hehehe! XD
I would actually love to do an entry about skincare. But I haven't got any photos of just how bad my skin was back when I was 15/ 16*. So well, there wouldn't be much credibility because it'll be just my words and that only. But I just want you to know that, if you're having very bad problems with your skin, please do consult a dermatologist. Don't try over-the-counter products or any skincare regime that you read on the internet because it may worsen the situation. I did the latter once (It was a concoction of benzoyl peroxide and moisturizer.) and ended up 'burning' my face. My entire face was covered up in scabs for several days and gawd. I literally wanted to hide my stupid face. )':
*I had acne everywhere on my cheeks and nose. My brother poked fun at me, some kid called me a fishball face... As much as I would like to say I was completely cool and all that, I wasn't. My skin problem bothered me very badly and it was really quite a horrid episode of my life. I didn't want to go out much, or buy new clothes because well, I thought I wouldn't look nice anyway since I had such bad skin. I remember praying fervently, asking for baby-backside-smooth skin, before I slept every single day. I still do that. Heh. I never want history to repeat itself. :\
But if you would still like to hear my story or need any help in any way, just let me know. I'll really be more than happy to share with you because I know what it feels like. (:
On a side note, I passed the first audition/ interview for the Maybelline Makeover Show!!! I was really lucky because ughhh. Okay, I emailed the lady, asking her if there were any dress code. She said to 'Be myself.' and so I went in T-shirt, jeans, my Adidas and my very basic makeup (Mascara, blusher and lipbalm.). And OMG, I caught a glimpse of the girl in front of me and gahhhh!!! Was she utterly gorgeous! Decked out in a tube top, skinnies, heels and a full face makeup. My sister was chiding me to have more sense, since it was an audition/ interview afterall. Heh. Well, silly me just took the lady's words as they were. :\ It was a panel of 5 judges. Completely nerve-wrecking! I was practically rambling the whole time. :\
So anyway, this Friday, I get to attend the Selection's Party at Supper Club. It's a full day makeup workshop conducted by international Makeup Artist Nigel Stanislaus! I'm really psyched for it because it's the first ever makeup workshop that I will ever attend and AHHH! I'm really so thankful that I made it this far (Having my photos selected and passing the interview!). This (the workshop) is something which I really wanted to attend so I'm really thrilled. (: Whatever that happens after that, well ummm... I am pretty much certain it ends after the workshop (Anything that calls for talent, despite my rather diverse background in dance, means ZILCH! No hope for me. Haha.) but I hope I'll be able to take home some valuable makeup tips and share with you! (:
Sorry for yet another wordy entry! :\

Friday, July 9, 2010

SWATCHES: M.A.C In The Groove's Cremesheen Glass, Lipsticks, Mineralize Blush Duo and Mineralize Skinfinishes

(Long story ahead! Do go straight to the swatches if you hate old grand mama stories. Heh.)

Hey everyone!!! I'm possibly the happiest girl today! So let me jump straight to M.A.C's much awaited collection, In The Groove! I was never really into M.A.C products (Don't ask me why!), much less this collection. However, my colleague kept talking about it so I decided to check out Temptalia's swatches a second time (I do read entries about M.A.C's collections, but it's more of a perusal.). After looking at them a gazillion more times, I was like OMG!!! I must have this, and that, and this... Haha! Work started at noon today, so I headed down to Tampines Mall at around 9.50am (It's the FIRST time ever that I'm ever doing such a thing!). When I arrived, I was the only one outside Isetan. Lmao. However, there was a very long queue for the Japanese biscuits though... Like a seriously long one! Okay, back to the story...

When Isetan opened its doors, there were 5 ladies (I met Hazel!), including me. Initially, I thought the collection wasn't launched yet as there was NO display for it until I asked the BA about the Jazzed lipsticks. Then I realized that the cardboard box that 2 ladies were poring eagerly over contained the collection! I was like "There isn't a display for it?!?", to which the BA replied "We just took the testers out! Haha.".

Here are some swatches! (:

The plan was to get ONLY By Candlelight MSF and Jazzed but guess what I ended up with?!? By Candlelight MSF, Jazzed and Band of Roses!!! XD Band of Roses was really a at-the-moment kind of thing. I did like what I saw in Temptalia's swatches (The dark raspberry pink is utterly gorgeous!) but I have more than enough blushers for 2 cheeks!!! The moment I swatched them, however, I was like SHITTT!!! I have to get it!!! Haha. Anyway, I didn't like Petticoat MSF because it looked like a dirty pink to me. I tried On the Scene but ughhh, it sat in the lines of my lips!!! And it didn't really show on my lips. I was actually thinking of layering it over Jazzed. But I thought that I might as well get the Canmake lipglosses at a much cheaper price!

And as for the much coveted, highly anticipated Stereo Rose... Haha! When I first swatched it, I was like Ughhh! Too shimmery! (It kinda reminded me of Orgasm!) I left the store after paying for my stuff. But I was like ahhh! Might as well get Stereo Rose since it was so sought after (Thought it would make a splendid present for my sister. I'm trying to get her into makeup!) so I went back and GAHHHH!!! They were ALL sold out! At 10.20am!!!

I wasn't that disappointed because well, in the first place, I didn't like it. But I saved the swatches on my hand for my colleague so I was looking at them the entire train ride to Orchard. And the more I looked at Stereo Rose, the more I liked it!!! So anyway, I reached real early for work and decided to check out ION Sephora's M.A.C and SCOREEE!!! There were so many Stereo Roses!!! That M.A.C outlet was real quiet, with only one other lady beside me. I think people forget that Sephora actually had a M.A.C outlet or something. But yeah, I got my hands on Stereo Rose! I was completely ecstatic and in my head, I was like 'Thank you, God! Thank you, God!'. LOL. (I wanted to post the availability of Stereo Rose on Cozycot but my iPhone didn't let me connect! I'm so sorry!!!)

The BA at Sephora's M.A.C was real nice! He laid out all the Stereo Roses that he had and let me pick out the veins. As aforementioned, I wasn't really into M.A.C's stuff (But of course, now I am!) so I didn't know how to pick them out and all that (How do you girls pick them???). He very kindly helped me with it. (: No are-you-stupid look, all smiles and was genuinely helpful! I LOVE BAs like him! (: (Customer service is crazy important to me because of my old job at Starbucks. It was really emphasized during trainings, so I am very particular about it.)

So yep! I kept going "I'm the happiest girl on earth!" to my colleague the whole time at work! 3 other things (There was a really sweet customer and guess what?!? I was one of the 8 girls who got selected for the Maybelline Makeover Show!!! Audition's next Tuesday! Eeps! I'm getting the jitters. :\ Wish me luck!) made my day so I'm gonna have real sweet dreams tonight! (:

Did you manage to snag a Stereo Rose??? Or if you didn't like it, what did you get? (:

EDIT// Omg. It's out of 80 girls (Maybelline Makeover Show)!!! The lady missed out the '0'. What a bummer. ): Should have known that it was too good to be true. :\

Thursday, July 8, 2010

SWATCHES: Topshop Make Up's Lips and Skin


Topshop Make Up was launched in Singapore today!!! I have been lusting after these darlings since... Forever! The packaging, though simple, is utterly chic! After work, I hurried down to ION, even though all I really wanted was to come home and do some serious bumming! Haha. XD

from Chic Magazine's Facebook

The display was really small and when I went there, one side of it was almost gone (around 6.10pm)! :\ Many girls were hanging round the area. I had my eyes on Blush in Pinch and the Skin Glow but in the end, I got NOTHING. ):

Blush in Crushed Berry and Pinch

Blush in Nutmeg

The moment I got there, I went straight to the blushers and of course, promptly swatched Blush in Pinch. BUT ughhh!!! The blusher was incredibly waxy! Yucks!!! I hated the way it felt when I touched it, applied it and blended it. People with oily skin, a BIG NUH-UH! I hate, hate, hate the texture!!! I was speaking to the Topshop girl who was in-charge of the makeup and she mentioned that Topshop Make Up isn't suitable for people with sensitive skin (Save for the lipsticks.). BIG BIG BUMMER. Though I hate the texture, I did like the way Crushed Berry and Pinch looked. SIGH. Nutmeg seemed to be the most popular, with only one left when I was there.

I tried the lipsticks too because the packaging was AHHH! CHIC, CHIC, CHIC! (:  Desert isn't as dark as it looks like in the first picture. It's true to the second one. I like Brighton Rock, Vamp and Daredevil the most! I didn't get them though because well, ummm... I'm waiting for M.A.C In The Groove Collection! (I'm thinking of getting By The Candlelight! Should I?!?)

The Skin Glow was a major disappointment too. It came out a really pretty light pink with shimmers but the lasting power is totally zilch! It was all gone in a while's time. ):

What about you? How did you find the collection? Got anything??? (:

Sunday, July 4, 2010

SPOTTED: Urban Decay's Alice in Wonderland Book of Shadows

If you had missed your chance on getting Urban Decay's Alice in Wonderland Book of Shadows earlier on, well, fret not! has it on sale, albeit at a higher price! )X

REVIEW: Eryacne

Where to find it: Bangkok's pharmacies

Price: $16+

What is it: Acne treatment

The Good: Dries up acne real quick (2-3 days on small zits!). BUT it doesn't dry up the surrounding skin like benzoyl peroxide does. It is most effective when used on zits that just started forming.

The Bad: You can't get it over the counter in Singapore. )': And this doesn't get rid of blackheads.

Comments: My cousin introduced this to me back in 2008. I have been using this ever since. My most 'memorable' incident of this was on the last day of my A Levels; I had 5 friggin' big, painful zits forming on my nose! ACK!!! And DOUBLE ACKKK!!! I mean, it was my last paper and all I wanted to do after that was to go create some havoc in town. Instead, I frantically called my cousin and practically begged him to lend me his Eryacne. I applied a thin layer on my entire nose and within 2 days, the zits were just little red spots. By the 4th day, they were TADAH!!! Completely gone!!! *wide smile*

However, as magical as this medicine sounds, nothing is perfect. This doesn't eradicate blackheads. ): Benzoyl peroxide seems to work good on them but it's far too drying for me. So I'm still searching for my blackheads blaster. But, where zits are concerned, I found my Mr. Right. (:

(In case you're wondering why this particular entry is so short, I think the above incident *points above* says everything that I want to say about Eryacne. (: Not many know about this product since you can't get your hands on it easily in Singapore. But if you do happen to be in Bangkok, do get it and I hope it works for you as splendidly as it does for me. (: )

Friday, July 2, 2010

UPDATES: L'Oreal Paris Hamper and Benefit's Brow Event

The L'Oreal Paris Hamper came on Monday!

I received a 24H Super Liner Waterproof Gel Eyeliner and a Volume Shocking Waterproof Mascara! (: I am trying to use up my current stash of opened makeup so these 2 may not see sunlight for a while (Let me digress a little... Maybelline's Gel Eyeliner kicks ass!!! Seriously! It's my first venture into gel eyeliners but it's really easy to use! And guess what? It lasts on my oily eyelids! Yay!!!).

I attended Benefit's Brow Event with my sister. After we registered, we were each given a BeneGoodie bag *points above*.

Each bag had 3 samples. I didn't know Benefit had toners. :\ Anyway, sis gave me her samples. XD I wanted to get her Erase Paste for her eye bags but wasn't sure if it was good. So yay for samples!!! (:
I didn't take any photos at the event because I don't really trust Benefit when it comes to brows. :\ I remembered the first time I wanted to get my brows done... My friend and I went to the Brow Bar at Tangs and we saw this lady with shaped eyebrows that were coloured in really thick and... One brow was clearly higher than the other!!! I was like o_0?!?

At the brow event, my sister and I noticed that Maki, the Regional Brow Authority, had one brow higher than the other too. I'm not really into brows. I mean, as long as they are neatly shaped and look even, I don't really care. But is this whole one-brow-higher-than-the-other a trend or something that I don't know?!? Also, there was a demonstration where Maki did the brows of this girl; Waxing and filling in of the brows. I watched a couple of Youtube videos on brows where gurus mentioned that you're not supposed to fill in the front of the brows (Or at least, do it very lightly!) but that's what Maki did for the girl! The girl ended up with very severe-looking brows... o_0?!? The girl did look more refined... But she looked angry and fierce at the same time... Anyway, I was starving by then (Rushed to the event right after work.) so we left after the event ended.

It's July already!!! I felt like June didn't even come. Haha. Anyway, I'm thinking of doing a video for June's favourites. But right now, I'm way under the weather. Think: Fever, flu, cough, sore throat... A very, very hoarse voice. Ughhh. :\ Worse bout of illness ever. I do hope you are all fine and dandy and for those who work, TGIF!!! (:

And oh! Can you believe that Urban Decay's Naked Palette is sold out already?!? ): It'll be coming to our shores in September though!!! Can't wait!!! *will not think about the number of palettes owned*
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