Monday, April 10, 2017

REVIEW: Bepanthen Ointment

I spend half my life searching for steriod-free eczema remedies because my skin always acts up when I'm stressed. And I'm really stressed now. ಥ_ಥ I seriously cannot wait for the June holidays to roll in but anyways...

Last month, my inner cheeks got really irritated. They were red and flaky, and my usual arsenal of creams just wasn't working. So I turned to my favourite-st people on Earth for help, i.e. Redditors (I love you.) and found Bepanthen Oinment. This is actually a cream meant for nappy rash but it healed some Redditors' eczema so I thought I give it a shot. I mean, if it's gentle enough for a baby's butt, then it prolly can't wreck that much damage to my already damaged skin right? If it doesn't work. Lol, such negativity! #fromapersonwhohasnthadgoodskininthelongesttime

Made in Germany, this off-white cream has quite a clinical smell but it isn't strong. It looks milky soft in the photo but it's actually quick thick and sticky. After putting on my moisturiser, I put two little dots of this cream on my inner cheeks and tap it in. It leaves behind a slightly sticky balm-like texture which doesn't go away, so if the fan were to blow your hair into your face.. Hmm, it's like wearing sticky lip gloss. Haha. It can get pretty annoying. Heh. So I usually do this right before bed and dab just a little in the morning.

The morning after I first used it, I noticed a visible difference. My inner cheeks were a lot less red and looked a whole lot happier. And it just got better and better. Of course, this is no miracle product. My redness remains (Lack of sleep. ಠ_ಠ) but it's a lot less and my skin doesn't itch and flake anymore, which is really rare for me. So yay, big hearts to Bepanthen and of course, Redditors. ♥

Bepanthen Ointment is priced at SGD8.90 at Guardian.


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