Charlene La Lapine did some recent haulings at Chinatown and because I was headed that area, I decided to do one too! (:
Pigeon's Baby Compact Powder in Ivory ($5.90)
Lanéige's Pore Clear Wash Off Pack ($32.00)
Bed Head's Dumb Blonde ($26.00)
Lanéige's Strawberry Yogurt Pack (Sample-sized, $7.90)
Lancôme's Blanc Expert (Sample-sized, 2 for $9.90)
Clinique's Turnaround Concentrate (Sample-sized, 3 for $19.90)
Jacelyn Tay mentioned about the Pigeon's Baby Compact Powder in a really ancient 8 Days' article. I used to own the one in pink but back then, I was only in lower secondary. I didn't even know what powder was, so I passed it on to Gran. On the side of the box, it says 'Light powder with natural coverage that minimizes pores while controlling surface oil'. I have been using K-Palette's Teka Oil Control Mat Powder (I'm loving this! Review will be up next week! (: ). But anything that claims to shrink my pores screams 'BUY!!!' for me. So heh.
Lanéige's Pore Clear Wash Off Mask, Bed Head's Dumb Blonde and Clinique's Turnaround Concentrate are recommendations of Charlene La Lapine (If Charlene Senior says it's good, Charlene Junior has to buy it. Haha!). I got the Lancôme's Blanc Expert just because I wanted to get something else in sample-sized. Haha. Sample-sized items are incredibly cute. It was hard not to go 'berserk' just now (Spoken like a true beauty junkie!).
All items were bought at People's Park Center. The first 3 were at Swanston (#01-17). It isn't exactly located in the mall. The entrance faces out. The sample-sized items were bought from a shop on the 2nd floor. I can't remember the name but that shop has many samples and it's not far from the escalator.
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