Thursday, August 23, 2012

REVIEW: Lush's Aqua Marina

Angels on Bare Skin didn't really work miracles on my skin but it started a teeny-weeny (Yeah right!) obsession with Lush (I'm getting so many obsession nowadays. Heh heh.). Also, given that I'm so particular about my ingredients, Lush fits right into my 'ideal' skincare brand.

So anyway, I decided to go for the Aqua Marina after doing my 'research'. The Aqua Marina is a calming Calamine wash. Sensitive skin which get irritated by citrus or strong herbal oils will find salvation in this wash as it contains Aloe Vera and Nori Seaweed. This can help cool sun-burnt faces as well and it is made for the normal to dry skin types.

I got the smaller tub one which cost me $26.88. This lasts for only 3 months, so it doesn't make sense to buy the big tub unless you are using it for both your face and body. For me, this is a tad too expensive for my body. Haha. I use this strictly on my face only but I may have to slather it generously on my body soon...

Aqua Marina smells like a mixture of calamine lotion and seaweed... Obviously. Haha. But it leans more to the scent of seaweed. I don't find it pungent but neither do I love the scent. The pink paste feels gooey and again, I wish Lush did something about the packaging but nope, you need to dip your fingers into the tub to get the product. Do make sure your fingers are clean and dry before dipping to prevent contamination of any sorts.

After using this for two months plus... Hmm, I'm neutral towards it. It does make my skin soft and smooth but there are cheaper cleansers that do the same thing too. Heck, oats do that for my skin! Also, when you are applying the cleanser on your skin, it feels like you are applying a paste that's a tad oily. So I don't actually feel that my skin is clean after washing. But I haven't broken out during these 2 months, so I'm sure it cleans my skin but it just does not feel like it.

The Nori Seaweed makes a slight mess out of this cleanser but I like that it provides a little gentle exfoliation. (: It breaks down into soft little bits so I doubt it will clog drains (Unlike the Lavender bits in Angels on Bare Skin.). Well, my drain has not been clogged in the past two months anyway... *Keeping fingers crossed*

Just like Angels on Bare Skin, I didn't see any miracles. But I'm guessing that these 2 cleansers will only make a noticeable difference if you started out with very bad skin. If your skin is okay, you won't be able to see anything. They just cleanse and that's it. There is no brightening, tightening or whitening effect. I still get my zits every now and then. They don't heal any faster and still leave marks. And my skin still becomes dry after cleansing.

I do prefer the Aqua Marina to Angels on Bare Skin though. Even though Aqua Marina doesn't make my face feel clean, I feel like I'm washing my face with a moisturizer and that is good to me. After dabbling in various brands and reading up on tons of reviews, I'm starting to think that good skin just means LOTS of moisturizing. Even if your skin is of the oily type, pick an appropriate moisturizer and just go crazy with it at night!

I consider the 2 aforementioned cleansers 'misses' but I'm still not giving up on Lush. I have been using Ocean Salt several times a week and am liking it quite a bit. But that's another story for another time. So till then, xx!

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