Thursday, March 14, 2013

UPDATES: Out of school!

Hey Muffins (: I haven't written an 'Updates' post since like forever but not-so-recently, a (huge) chapter of my life ended and I thought I just write a little about it. As gleaned from the title, I'm officially out of school (Well, kinda.)! Yay!!! :DDD University wasn't exactly smooth-sailing and I'm really glad to be out of it. But university gave me many things and one of them is this little space of mine on the net. This space has brought me so many friends (Massive hugs for Juliet and Fel!) and opportunities and I'm crazy thankful for it everyday. (:

Offline, university gave me M (Who tries so hard to make me happy everyday. (:), a better understanding of my family, a fab once-in-a-lifetime internship experience and of course, a-mazing friends. :D And yes, also a degree and a means of survival. Haha. If everything seems a little too condensed... It's meant to be. Haha. I tend to go on forever when it comes to such entries so I'm really restricting myself here. Heh. Just wanted to give thanks to everyone and everything that has happened in my life thus far. (:

Anyway, yes, back to the little blue box! When I got back from Taiwan, the siblings surprised me with a little blue box as my graduation gift! My heart sure was feeling really warm and fuzzy that night. (':

And this was the perfect gift! Ever since I watched 'Sex and the City', I have wanted my own 'Carrie' necklace. It seemed a little silly to get my own since it's supposed to represent 'love' and 'friendship' so yay! :D And I didn't even mention it to the sibs, making this a more-than-perfect gift! :DDD

I'll be opening a whole new chapter come March 25th. (: Wish me luck!

P.S.: I contributed my very first article on GlamAsia! Click here to read! :D


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