Monday, September 7, 2015

SPOTTED: 5 Stylish Ways to Wear Your Kimono Top

If you break up the characters for 'kimono (着物)', it literally means a thing to wear. Traditionally, it comes in a long T-shaped robe with wide sleeves. The Japanese wear it for special occasions like weddings and tea ceremonies and they look very elegant and proper in it.

As a child, I have always wanted one ever since I saw Hello Kitty in a pink floral piece. Unfortunately, the real McCoy is really expensive and not quite practical in warm and sunny Singapore. Also, I really want to get mine in Japan but that's not happening anytime soon. I made a resolution to visit the Land of the Rising Sun only when I can converse in their language decently... Which is going to take a very long time. Heh. (Btw, I passed my N5 exam, yay! ٩(^ᴗ^)۶ )

Anyway, thank goodness for the creative designers who did a modern take on it and came up with the pretty and more wearable kimono tops. And they come in every possible colour and variation; floral, boho-chic, lace, fringe, chambray, chiffon etc. There's basically a perfect one for every outfit. But how does one actually wear it? Given that it's usually over-sized, one can end up looking a tad sloppy. Eeps!

Here are 5 stylish ways to wear your kimono top:

  1. Glam up your tank top and jeans combo with a patterned kimono. A chiffon one will flaunt your silhouette.
  2. Throw on a flower headband and wear a fringe kimono for the boho-chic look. Perfect outfit for a sunny Sunday afternoon.
  3. Seek warmth stylishly with a long kimono over your dress. Don't be afraid to go print-on-print!
  4. Add some shape to your kimono by belting it up. Go for a simple plain one that doesn't draw attention away from your pretty kimono prints.
  5. Jazz up your little black dress by draping on a floral or lace kimono à la Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City.

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