Of all the Korean brands that are available in Singapore, I have always been interested in Skinfood and not so much the rest. Somehow, I have this weird idea that Skinfood's the best (out of all the Korean brands in Singapore). Mum and Jules spent a week in Korea somewhere in March so I, of course, asked them to pick up some stuff for me. *grins* They came back with (almost) everything that was on my list plus a TON of samples (SIGH. Why don't we see this in Singapore?!?). According to Jules, competition among the beauty brands are so fierce that they give out lots of samples to customers.
The Carrot Gift Set was one of the samples that I received. It contains the Carrot Toner and Carrot Emulsion. I have been using them for 3 days now and decided to do a mini review (so as to revive this blog. Lol.). I tried to search for the benefits of this skincare line but all that I found was this:
'A toner/ an emulsion that is formulated without the 7 ingredients for the health of your skin and contains the nutrient-enriched extract of organic carrots grown in pure water from Jeju Island.'
Right. Not exactly helpful. At all. So I can't do a proper review of it since I don't even know what's it's supposed to do. But I will just write about how I find it so far.
Both products smell of carrots. Obviously (Well, there are products that don't smell like what they say they will smell.). It's a very pleasant scent. Nothing too overpowering. The toner's transparent. It doesn't feel like there's any alcohol in it so that's good because alcohol dries your skin, no matter what people say about how effective it is in drying up zits. In the long run (if you use it as part of your daily regime), it's gonna backfire because fact is alcohol is drying. Very. The emulsion is a white cream. It isn't of thick consistency. Kinda watery, in my opinion but my skin absorbs it real easily. When I wake up in the morning, my skin feels moisturized. (:
Still, I can't say if I will buy this again since I have no idea at all as to what it's supposed to be doing to my skin. Will update this spot if I do find more information.
Note: This skincare line cannot be found on Singapore's Skinfood website. Hmmm... New, you think?
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