Tuesday, March 18, 2014

REVIEW: HABA's 3-Step Skincare System and the White Lady

It is always my rule that if I'm tackling my face with some 'harsh' treatment, then I should balance it up with a skincare routine that's simple and gentle. As aforementioned in my last entry, my hormones haven't exactly been very kind to me. So while I'm brandishing my top 3 zit zappers at the sight of anything red, I started on HABA's 3-Step Skincare System, along with the famous White Lady.

For the uninitiated, HABA stands for the brand's principle 'Health Aid Beauty Aid'. The brand believes that beauty comes from the inside and that with the right skincare and healthcare, a better life will be led.

Hence, the brand gives top priority to safety with its non-additive philosophy. All HABA products are free of

  • parabens
  • fragrances
  • mineral oils
  • artificial colourants
  • petrochemical surfactants

Instead, HABA uses safe and healthy ingredients. One such ingredient is the Sasa Kurilensis Water, which is Bamboo Extract. It acts as a preservative, contains antibacterial properties and helps keep skin moisturized.

HABA's basic skincare system consists of just 3 steps:

  1. Cleansing
  2. Moisturizing
  3. Protecting

(Each step has 3 to 4 options for you to choose from, depending on your skin type and preference.)

These 3 steps are built upon Squalane, which is HABA's key ingredient. Made up of 10% sebum, it is a lubricant found in the sebaceous gland that forms a protective layer on our skin, keeping it supple. However as we age, our body produces less Squalane and this results in dehydration and fine lines.

HABA's Squalane is extracted from the liver oil of deep-sea sharks and purified to the maximum level of 99.9%. This pure and lightweight natural oil sinks into our skin quickly and easily and is safe for everyone, including babies.

Squa Powder Wash (80g for $37 and refill for $33)
Step 1: Protecting moisture levels without drying the skin.
The is a superior face-washing powder that melts into a rich and fine lather upon contact with water. It removes makeup and dirt gently and is weakly acidic to prevent the stripping of your skin's natural oils. It can also be made into a paste to treat zits overnight.

I like that the Squa Powder Wash is very gentle and soap-free (Yay to opening eyes when washing your face!). After cleansing, my skin feels smooth and isn't the least bit tight. It is also pretty calming and doesn't aggravate my zits.

White Lady (10ml for $29, 30ml for $78 and 53ml for $120)
This serum is an additional step to HABA's 3-Step Skincare System. Developed from a doctor's formula, it contains Sasa Kurilensis Water and a water-soluble Vitamic C derivative that is both stable and penetrating. Within a week of usage, your skin becomes fairer, firmer and more hydrated with tighter pores.

Though 4-5 pumps of this serum is recommended, I find that I only need 3. It sinks into my skin pretty easily and I find that my skin feels more supple and the tone is more even. This also works great in lightening fresh acne scars. However, my pores looks pretty much the same. I'm guessing that a longer usage is needed for some proper declogging to happen.

G-Lotion (180ml for $58)
Step 2: Replenishing moisture levels.
This smoothing, anti-bacterial lotion whisks away flakes and refines pores to reveal a clearer complexion and supple skin. Its refreshing formula contains Hyaluronic Acids, Chondroitin and minerals from deep seawater and a low-striped bamboo which can only be found in Hokkaido's native forest.

This is perhaps the most fun, though a tad tedious, step. Haha. As recommended, I apply this lotion in 5 layers; pour a coin-sized amount, pat it in and repeat. It feels very refreshing and provides adequate hydration. When I first started out this skincare routine, my cheeks were dry and patchy from late nights. But now, they are well-hydrated with just a slight tinge of redness. Makeup application has also become a lot smoother.

Squalane (15ml for $29, 30ml for $49, 60ml for $90 and 120ml for $165)
Step 4: Protecting skin's moisture.
This 99.9% lightweight and odourless beauty oil mimics the Squalane found in our body's own lipid barrier. It sinks into the skin easily without leaving any greasy residue. Hence, allowing our skin to breathe. It can be used as a daily moisturizer or treatment for your skin, hair and nails.

The final step of this skincare routine, it really helps to boost and seal in the moisture in my skin. I use this more often at night, waking up to skin that's supple and clear. I tried skipping this step and I find that with the Squalane, my skin stays hydrated for a longer period in the day, even when I'm stuck in my Arctic-cold office.

And that's my two cents worth on HABA's 3-Step Skincare System and the White Lady. This skincare routine is simple, gentle and fuss-free. Perfect for the very busy us! I really appreciate the fact that it's free from additives. After all, we are what we apply. Haha. Anyway, HABA has been very kind to provide you, my readers, with some perks:

  • Quote 'Charlene Judith' at HABA shops to enjoy a 15% discount! This is valid till the end of April 2014.
  • Giveaway: Like HABA's Facebook page here and email me at lovecharlenejudith@hotmail.com your name, Facebook username and why you would like to try out HABA's 3-Step Skincare System and the White Lady by March 31st, 10pm. The winner will win 1 makeup remover, 1 White Lady, 1 toner and 1 Squalane oil (To be picked up from the Suntec City outlet, after a skin analysis.).

Also, HABA opens its latest outlet at OG Orchard this week and there are some exclusive promotions going on, from March 17th to 23rd. (:

Alrighty, I'm off for my run. I hope this entry has been detailed enough and as always, if there are any questions, just drop me an email! Have a terrific Tuesday, ladies! :D


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