Friday, March 11, 2011

HAUL: Babyliss' Pro Ceramic Dial-a-Heat Tongs (24 and 32 mm)

Hey Muffins!

Oh man. I'm dreadfully sorry for the lack of updates. School has been eating me and I'll be pulling a disappearing act soon. Like really soon. :\ I'm active on Twitter though, so do follow if you want to know what's in and what's out for me in the realm of makeup (Umm... Expect some grumblings about school too. Actually, lots of it. Heh!)

Anyway, before I digress further, I was supposed to blog about this a million years ago! After reading Sophia's entry about her Babyliss Pink Porcelain Conical Curling Wand (Read Sophia's review here.), I promptly made an order. 2, in fact. Heh *guilty smile*.

OMG! I want one!!! Where did you get them?
Just like Sophia, I ordered it from Do take note that Babyliss comes in 2 versions; the US and the UK ones. UK uses the same plug as us, so we needn't spend any moolah on adapters (MOOLAH SAVED!). (:

Umm... How much did they cost?
Each cost around $65. SINGAPORE DOLLARS! I went snooping around forums and most people find the Jose Eber curlers the best. But they cost a hell lot, about $120 plus? Babyliss is touted to be a good brand, so if you can wait, do wait!

But how long do I have to wait?
Just a week! The first one came 8 days after I made payment and the 2nd, 7 days! The whole transaction is THAT fast and reliable. The curlers were wrapped up nicely. *points below* There was absolutely no damage even though Mr. Postman threw my curlers onto the doorstep. (:

How did you pay for them?
The first one was paid was a credit card and the second was done through Paypal.

Next post! :D



  1. Did you experience the ceramic peeling off for the Babyliss Dial a heat? Like the white paint is off.

    1. Hi Josarine (: Nope, I haven't experienced that. It could be because I don't use it very often...


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