Saturday, September 20, 2014

REVIEW: #GetSassooned at Home with Vidal Sassoon‏

Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to try out the new Vidal Sassoon Premium Base Care and Premium Color Care range. This range includes everything you need to look as if you've just stepped out of a salon - constantly. It makes maintaining the Sassoon style incredibly simple - just prep it, work it, treat it and perfect it!

Vidal Sassoon has been used and loved by my Gran for as long as I can remember, so I was very thrilled to receive it. But what got me really excited was the 13mm Mini Ceramic Straightener and 25mm Mini Ceramic Curling Iron that came with the package! Thanks so much for this, Wendy! :D

Both hair tools use the ceramic technology which delivers fast, efficient and superior styling results. When heated, ceramic produces far-infrared heat which allows hair to absorb heat easily. Each hair follicle is dried from the inside out, minimizing damage and stress. It also helps to reduce the hair's static electricity so that it becomes smooth, with less frizz and flyaways.

Here are some of their features:

  • 13mm Mini Ceramic Straightener
    1. 200°C high heat setting delivers salon results.
    2. Multi-voltage (120-240VAC) for worldwide usage.
    3. 30-second instant heat-up.
    4. 2-in-1 storage pouch and mat for compact storage.

  • 25mm Mini Ceramic Curling Iron
    1. 150°C heat setting delivers salon results.
    2. Multi-voltage (120-240VAC) for worldwide usage.
    3. Fast heat-up.
    4. 2-in-1 storage pouch and mat for compact storage.

Dad gave me hair that's wavy, coarse and super thick. Basically, a 'lion's mane' as Dad calls it (It's from you, Dad. Haha. I love you.). So I get it straightened once a year (It used to be twice. :\). The last time I did that was in March, so my hair's actually en route to being au naturel again.

(Last year, I let my hair just grow out to see how it would actually look like and boy, was it curly! I actually like the curls but they don't do so well in our hot and humid climate. Think: frizz. Also, my fringe has been looking weird since 103428248394 years ago. :\)

Here's how my hair looks like after straightening with the Vidal Sassoon 13mm Mini Ceramic Straightener. The straightener's really small, making it great for travels and touch-ups but not so efficient as an everyday tool, especially if your tresses are thick and long (The again, it wasn't meant for this purpose!). The above took probably about 15 minutes, but I didn't do the whole 'sectioning and straightening every strand' business. I just straightened randomly. Haha. But hey! It looked alright... Right? Heh.

The straightener heats up really quickly so there isn't much waiting to do. There's only one heat setting - it gets hot but not too hot, allowing it to get the job done without damaging your hair.

I tried the 25mm Mini Ceramic Curling Iron but ummm... I'm still learning how to use it! Haha! Anyway, here's a comparison between the looks that you can achieve with the 2 hair tools. I like things to be neat (Except for my room. HAHAHA.), so I prefer straight hair (Haiyahhh. Isn't it always the case that girls have natural curly hair want straight hair? And vice versa?). What about you? :D

P.S.: I really appreciate the heat mats that come with the hair tools! Not only do they give you a place to rest the tools when heated up, they also come with pockets so that you can keep them and the wires neatly. (:
P.P.S: Leaving you with a video of Vidal Sassoon's first Singaporean ambassador, Joanne Peh, getting Sassoon-ed! Happy Saturday! :D



  1. Hi i need that mini hair straightener for my short hair using it for top part n fringe. Where do i buy this. Apprecjate yr earliest reply


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