Tuesday, March 19, 2013

MAIL: Greedy Chimp

Greedy Chimp is the latest addition to the growing family of subscription boxes in Singapore. However, unlike the others which revolve around beauty, Greedy Chimp presents to you a knapsack of tasty and yummy snacks! Mmhmm... Gratifying much? :D

Earlier this month, Julian from Greedy Chimp dropped by my place to pass me my very first Greedy Chimp bag. Thanks Julian! Receiving so many snacks at one shot got me giddy with happiness and sent me 'back and forth' like a ping pong ball; Should I eat this first? No, wait. This is really nice. If I eat it now, I won't be able to enjoy it later. Okay, maybe I should try that one. But I really, really, really do want to eat this one! But but... *rolls eyes*

The way in which Greedy Chimp ticks is just like any other subscription box. Every month, the Greedy Chimp team will go on a snacks spree and pick those that will get our taste buds tingling with excitement!

A pretty ingenious idea! There were many instances when I found myself 'lost' in the snacks department. Like should I try this strange-looking new snack or should I just stick with familiarity? Most of the times, I went with the latter. Which makes things a tad mundane... So yay for Greedy Chimp!

So far, I'm done with all the little packets of Impact Mints (In blackcurrant, peach, strawberry, fresh and ice flavours.), Kiwa's Plantain Chips (A tad plain but I had fun chomping away and hearing all the 'crrracckkk' sounds coming out of me. Haha.), Mamee's Vegetable Flavoured Rice Sticks (SOOO good I can't even.) and Chocolate Company's 99 Chocbar which is a square overloaded with endorphins!

I had no idea that Mamee had other stuff, besides the original I-wish-I-can-eat-it-everyday dry noodles so I'm really glad I have/ had those 2 packets in my bag! I mean, you can never go wrong with Mamee!

The idea of a monthly bag of snacks delivered right to our doorsteps is pretty fun and interesting and would make a great gift. The servings are also pretty generous with 8 decently-sized snacks (I lumped all the mints as one.) but I think it would be great if a healthy snack or two (Like a packet of dried fruits?) were included? Heh. I do love my fruits quite a bit.

Each monthly subscription of Greedy Chimp is at $14.90, whilst a quarterly subscription costs $44.70 and comes packed with a secret gift. Do connect with the cute little chimp here and here for the latest updates! :D


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