Thursday, June 13, 2013

HAUL: Shiseido's Private Sale 2013

Every sale is a mental and physical battle for me (And for many others, I believe.). Attending this year's Shiseido Private Sale was definitely not on my agenda for this very busy week. But after reading Sophia's haul post here, I couldn't help but think about all that I was missing out. I mean, c'mon! There's NARS!!!

A quick text was sent to Kim and I found out that she and Jo were making their way down but still, I dithered. I spent the night weighing the good and the bad with M (I know, our conversations are incredibly exciting.), whilst battling Math questions.

Morning came and quite frankly, like the beauty junkie that I wasam, I barely slept. My head was wrapped around Math, getting As and embarrassingly, makeup. Actually, a large part of my thoughts were preoccupied with makeup. I mean, c'mon! There's NARS!

After pulling myself out of my poor slumber, I stayed on my bed for the longest time, hoping time will pass so quickly that it would be way past 10am and the queue would be as long as a dragon's tail. Unfortunately, the gods love to tease us human beings. In a mere 20 minutes, I found myself out of the house, cursing the local train system and on my way to meet Kim and Jo. And... And then, the rest is history.

Regretfully and guiltily, I present you my horridly-not-so-humble loot.

And it doesn't just end here. I got myself Tsubaki hair products as well, which are completely justified buys because I have been using the brand since I was in junior college. *nods* For those who are interested, the sale carries on today, until 8pm. The items are periodically restocked but there's no telling what and when.

1 Grange Road, #12-01
Orchard Building


  1. That's a nice haul! I use Tsubaki hair products too, and they are lovely. Thanks for sharing!

    Laced Ivory: Singapore's Beauty, Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

    1. Thanks, Roxanne! Did you manage to get anything from the sale? And yes, Tsubaki hair products are the best. :D


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