Wednesday, July 20, 2011

RAMBLINGS: Meet the brother.

The mummy, sister and I attended the brother's school play yesterday. It was like a weight-loss program because it was a moving stage and Victoria Junior College has many steps. Many.

And to my surprise, I could still remember where the canteen toilets were located. Gawd. My memory is awesome!

Anyway, the brother is Sam in the above video. He was the Wise, Old Owl in his kindergarten school's play.

Patrick is played by Nathaniel Aaron, who's the brother's best friend and a total sweetie (The sister LOVES to disturb him.).

The sister acted in an episode of Crime Watch.

I'm going to be in Okto and the National Day Celebration video (But apparently mine doesn't count because I only said 4 lines in the former and basically crapped for the latter. Whatever. I count it.).

P.S.: Oh yes. The lady who said "Okay, let go of the hands.'... That's the mother. HAHAHA! I told her that the brother will never acknowledge her again.

P.P.S.: I just remembered (I was actually about to fall asleep.). The girl who said "Oh my god."... That's the sister. She was like "One pick up line after another... One FAILED pick up line after another.".

P.P.P.S.: The night before, the brother actually went to the sister's room and formally requested her to dress like a normal human being (Check out the sister's lookbook here.). He was genuinely worried about it.

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