Thursday, July 7, 2011

RAMBLINGS: The Tiramisu Cake.

I have resorted to using an editorial photo of a tiramisu cake (Picture from here. Click and drool.) because what the siblings and I came up with looks absolutely nothing like a tiramisu cake.

So umm.. Yeahhh... Our tiramisu is kinda watery... Actually, very watery. The suspicious mixture was supposed to be creamy but the sister said she miscalculated the amount of cheese or something like that.

Anyway, it's sitting in the fridge now till tomorrow when the daddy is going to have the first bite because he loves his kids very much. The mummy will have the second.

I don't ever want to be a parent (Haha. But I want a little girl named Chanel. Hahaha. Inside joke with the daddy.).

Anyway, my first encounter with tiramisu was when I was in kindergarten. I can't quite remember exactly which precious age I was at but it was nearing the sister's and my birthdays.

Being a girl, I was hoping desperately that I would get a cake with some Disney character on it (Probably Minnie Mouse.) because it was colourful and pretty and girls like colourful and pretty things.

Instead, the daddy ordered an ugly-looking tiramisu cake (I still think it's ugly, no offence to the baker.). The top was thick in chocolate dust. Black and awful. Right smack in the middle of it, was a single green and white triangle. What in the world was that?!? There was no said Disney character. There were no pinks, no blues, no yellows... To me, the cake had no colour and it was the ugliest cake which my unworldly eyes had ever set upon.

I kicked the biggest fuss ever when I recovered from my 'shock' and disappointment covered me like a thick blanket in summer. I didn't understand how the daddy could have ordered such an ugly cake for us. The sister didn't like it but I don't think she was as upset as I was. I cried a lot. And even though I knew the daddy ordered it because he thought we would find it delicious, I cried the loudest that I could anyway.

The mummy and daddy could only try and cajole spoilt me to take a bite, that it was really nice... And when I eventually sank my baby teeth into it, I thought it was the nicest thing that I had ever eaten. At the same moment, the heaviest amount of guilt that could ever set in a child set in me. And that guilt is still as fresh as ever.

The following year, I wanted a tiramisu cake and hinted (Out of shame, I didn't make any 'demands'.) but I got my sad-looking Disney character instead, pretty externally but ugly internally (The cream... The stupid kid that I was. EW! How can you eat something like that?!? I judge you, little Charlene!). I didn't say anything and I didn't get a tiramisu cake for a long time after that.

I had a missed call today so I dialed back and had someone breathe on me for like 20 seconds before hanging up. I'm freaked out.

And it's going to be quite an eventful weekend for me so keep watch! :DDD

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